아래 링크에 가보면 ATtiny85를 사용해서 장난 칠수 있는 재미있는 스크립트가 있습니다. 기본적으로 DigiKeyboard로 파워셀 스크립트를 실행하게 만드는 겁니다. .
WiFi_Profile_Mailer에 보시면 와이파이 패스워드 알아내서 자기가 지정한 이메일 주소로 보내는 스크립트 입니다.
설정은 https://digistump.com/wiki/digispark/tutorials/connecting 여기서 보시고 따라 하시면 됩니다.
Script Descriptions
RickRoll_Update : Plays Never Gonna Give you up while performing a fake windows update.
WallpaperChanger : Downloads and applies a wallpaper via powershell.
Wallpaper_Prank : Takes a screenshot of the desktop, sets it as the wallpaper, hides desktop icons.
Talker : Opens up powershell and speaks out a message.
PowerShell Script Executer : Downloads and runs a powershell script.
WiFi_Profile_Grabber: Using cmd, extracts wifi profiles and saves the csv to the usb mounted on d:\
WiFi_Profile_Mailer : Writes the wireless network credentials to a csv file and emails it.
Fork_Bomb : Opens up an obfuscated windows terminal and makes it multiply itself uncontrolably causing the machine to either lock or crash.
Rapid_Shell : Seamlessly executes metasploit payloads through powershell.
Reverse_Shell : Opens a reverse shell in 3 seconds.
Window_Jammer : Spams ALT + F4 and CTRL + W key combos to force close all active windows.